Monday, February 2, 2009

Tips for Coping with an Anxiety Attack

Do not feel like you’re alone when dealing with anxiety attacks. There are over one million people, just in America, who suffer from some form of anxiety disorder or panic attack symptoms. Most people find that the attacks don’t happen very often, and only when they are in a high stress situation. However people who suffer from recurring attacks are suffering from what physicians refer to as an anxiety disorder.

There are several different ways you can cope with having an anxiety disorder and it symptoms. The first step is to recognize panic attack symptoms as what they are, simply a panic attack. There are many people who will mistake a panic attack for a heart attack because they become short of breath and have chest pains. If you are unsure, you should always ask your doctor, as chest pains can be very serious.

After you’ve learned to recognize the symptoms, you can try different coping techniques to help get rid of them. The most common symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, chest pains, the inability to sit still, and dizziness. Another common symptom is the feeling of unreality, which is often misunderstood because of it is very hard to explain to people who have never experienced it before.

When a person is experiencing an attack, they start to feel out of control. Their body and the intense conditions of fear and anxiety are in control instead of their sane mind. The lack of control will cause the feeling of unreality. It will seem like you are forced to look at the world through a very different point of view that you aren’t used to.

There are also three different things you may try to cope with having anxiety attacks. The first is to learn to accept uncertainty. Try to stop worrying about everything that can go wrong in a situation, and learn to be alright with being unsure about things. The second is to challenge your negative thoughts. This will be hard to do because it’s not what you’re used to, but it’s a habit that should be broken. Facing problems is always easier with a positive attitude. And the third way to cope is to learn how to relax. You can try deep breathing, meditation, or muscle relaxation. Over time, doing this will help keep your heart rate down, and will help you be more relaxed. is dedicated to providing useful information about anxiety or panic attacks. Information that can cure your anxiety quickly and naturally and improve the quality of your life.

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